Media features for Etrican — Yumiko Uno
Media features for Etrican

Media features for Etrican

We have been extremely fortunate to be featured in many media outlets, magazines, newspapers and TV documentaries. Some are lost in the deep maze of the inter web, but you never know how people will get to know your brand.

I was on a Grab ride to MBS a couple of years ago, and as the car turned into Marina Bay area the driver had asked “so how is your sustainable business?” it completely threw me off, how did he know about my brand and what we do? After chatting for a few minutes, it turned out he had seen a documentary we made for fashion tv channel many years ago. It was memorable for me as well because we had visited the slums of New Delhi. The footage is lost but I have this still shot of behind the scenes.


So here are some of the features which have survived over the years:

Expatpreneur Award:

Expat living:

CNBC live interview (I was so nervous I actually do not have any memory of speaking while I was on that chair, my brain had gone into an autopilot mode and I’m really glad it seems I am coherent):

Straits Times:

Designing for Etrican

Designing for Etrican

Bringing in other organic cotton products in Singapore

Bringing in other organic cotton products in Singapore